Saturday, August 3, 2013

       America is currently facing it's greatest crisis point in our young history. So many circumstances tripping our senses, we find ourselves trapped inside a new world of awakening, so surreal, so unbelievable, its terrifying. And no one dare speak their opinion of it in public places. Truth has become a farce, fakery is the new reality and more than half this beautiful countries citizenry sleepwalks through the first nine hours of each day. Only to drive home under aerosol chem trails now being sprayed on all of us by commercial flights in time to consume poisonous food developed in a laboratory, consisting of over 100 animal and human viruses, chasing it with fluoridated chemically psychotropic tap water and on to slumber for another eight hours.                        Maneuvering through waves of fear, coupled with hysteria we buy our way into a false sense of security all while trying to define it as " Happiness". Living under a counterfeit regime that offers no prospect or reform .While being witness to our absurdly corrupt idiocy of our so-called democratic process for generations. A land where FREEDOM is worshipped, but not possessed, and a society, that in perspective, looks good on the outside, but dark and sinister on the inside.
       We are as Sick as our secrets spreading like a super plague all around the globe, nothing but misdirected hate, unlawful predator drone attacks that kills children everyday  and an influence by the spiritual conundrum recently showing itself on the continental shelf of our cloudy conscious of broken hearts.Corporate  greed makes the public bleed with admiration and anger. It is the ever increasing wrecked and pillaged economies looted by predatory capitalist austerity regimes. A level of competition that 99 percent of us will not be eligible to partake in. Not because we are incapable, but due to bail outs and quantitative easing and haircuts on pensions devoured by the sick fraud machine on wall street. What shall be left for us? Nothing. Nothing but what everyone who can feel it in their bones has warned before 2008. "Get ready, because here it comes"!!!!!
 This greedy evil EMPIRE attitude will do us in one day. The ones who matter most have more money, while the ones who have not never mattered anyway. Often, when we see explosions or hear of shooting on TV, from some far away place, happening to some far away people, and think; "Wow, I am so glad we don't have that type of  Terror here." " I'm so grateful we don't have that fright and panic they feel, day after day after day.
 Everything and every Constitutional RIGHT we have been dissolved of has been in the name of National Security.                                                                                    
       I wonder if places like Libya and Syria had the unlimited military dollars that we here in United States  has, (or debt) if in fact they would not live through the war and death they experience today.
Not when my beautiful country who has this money plays an intricate role in opposing any known second or third world countries in becoming economically sound  and using resources to become first world, thus we kill, take, start wars all for money.
        Our Empire has lost its morals in its foreign policy. We are no longer a country that swoops in after a catastrophe and saves the people. We are now a suppressive mass of luciferian goo, clogging the arteries of secular and religious countries, setting their governments up with paid puppets to do our bidding. Starting horrible wars so later they can come in and save the day with PEACE and SECURITY.  So many scandals plague the U.S. Presidency and his administration. But for some reason they always manage to start another fire over there so the fire burning over here isn't as important. The big Media helps this dictatorship succeed with ease. We are screwed, unless of coarse you have prepared. But really, where would you go?